
Obi-Wan Has Taught You Well

I thought I would discuss the creation of The Chosen One a bit before moving on to other topics. As far as the new Ask Aak line, and the extended pod race, those were borrowed from another fan editor's version of Episode I. I had intended to make the same edits myself, but I figured why reinvent the wheel?

The rest of the stuff are my own cuts. Surprisingly, one of the most difficult scenes to edit was the underwater journey through the Naboo planet core. This is where the submarine gets attacked by a giant fish, the power shorts out, Jar Jar acts very annoying, and then they get attacked by two more giant fish. Interlaced between are scenes of the Trade Federation planning their invasion. Basically what I did was chop out part of Jar Jar's dialogue and move it to a different shot as the sub travels through the core and is attacked by one giant fish. Then, once they evade the fish I cut in a new shot of the submarine entering a tunnel, and ended the scene. Next, we see the Trade Federation discussing plans for invasion, and then move right on to the invasion, while skipping the next giant fish sequence. It is a little jerky, but works well enough. It was troublesome due to music bleeding from scene transitions and Lucas' stupid scene wipes every 30 seconds. Overall, the scene turned out well, and the remainder of the movie was easier to edit.

My favorite bit comes at the end of the film during the huge battle. In the original, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul fight and Obi-Wan gets knocked into the big hole in the floor. He hangs there and the scene cuts away. I decided it was pointless to leave Obi-Wan hanging there, because as we watch the other battles pan out we kind of forget about him, only to eventually go back and watch him kill Darth Maul in about 10 seconds. So, I rearranged the battle sequences so this scene plays out continuously. It works very well and you don't notice the edits.


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